Chairmans Report

Welcome to the November HPCASG report.

Another HPCASG meeting was again well attended in November with a number of new members in attendance.

The November meeting included a talk from Richard Yeoman from Tomaree Prostate Cancer Support Group, who informed us all of the transport services provided by the group to all cancer patients who find it difficult to get to appointments and therapies otherwise. Their services meet not only the Tomaree peninsula’s needs, but also extend through the Lower Hunter region.

It was interesting to see what supports are available at different organisations and how those
organisations are run.

Wallsend Diggers has now received our request for annual renewal of our booking. I am hopeful that this request will be successful once again. When there is official advice on this from Wallsend Diggers, the HPCASG committee will be advised and let the group know.

As mentioned in the last report, the coming Christmas/December meeting will be my last as
chairperson, after a stint of two years, and many years prior to this as newsletter editor, its time for me to be an attendee for a while. Once again, if any members feel they would like to contribute back and value add to their community and support group in a tangible way, there are many ways to do this. The Chair position takes only a few hours of your time every month and is a way of paying back for the support provided and help share the load with the dedicated committee further. If you have particular skills that you believe will enhance our group, please speak with one of the committee members. All roles are very adaptable to the individual!

I would like to thank the current and past committee members including Rob, Wayne and Arek for their continued support for our group.

At our last meeting for 2023 to be held on 12th December, we will hold our Christmas event once again. The party will be held in our normal meeting room, in the Lower Mezz Bar with the meeting starting at midday, followed by our informal party with a spread of hot and cold finger food, tea and coffee. The Mezz Bar itself will be open for purchase of cold beverages by patrons. It’s a great way to farewell 2023 and take time to mingle and mix with other members who you may not have had opportunity to speak with at normal meetings. As with last year, we will have several lucky door prizes available. If you have a donation for a lucky door prize, don’t hold back! We can always add them to the draw on the day.

As HPCASG do not meet in January, I hope to see many familiar faces at our next meeting on
Tuesday, 13th February 2024.

Seasons best and Happy New Year to all our members and their families.

Brendon Young
1st December, 2023
0458 960 300