Us Cambodia Bilateral Textile Trade Agreement

The US-Cambodia Bilateral Textile Trade Agreement: An Overview

The US-Cambodia Bilateral Textile Trade Agreement is an important trade agreement between the United States and Cambodia that has been in effect since 2001. This agreement has brought many benefits to both the US and Cambodia, including increased trade, economic growth, and job creation. In this article, we will take a closer look at this important agreement, including its history, benefits, and impact on the textile industry.

History of the Agreement

The US-Cambodia Bilateral Textile Trade Agreement was signed on June 29, 2001, and went into effect on January 1, 2002. This agreement was designed to promote trade between the two countries and to help Cambodia develop its textile industry. Under the terms of the agreement, the US agreed to provide duty-free and quota-free access to Cambodian textile products, which helped boost the country`s exports.

Benefits of the Agreement

The US-Cambodia Bilateral Textile Trade Agreement has brought many benefits to both countries. For Cambodia, the agreement has helped to create jobs and stimulate economic growth. According to the US Embassy in Cambodia, the agreement is “estimated to have created over 400,000 jobs in the country`s garment sector.”

In addition to job creation, the agreement has also helped to improve working conditions in Cambodia`s textile industry. The US has worked closely with the Cambodian government and garment industry to promote labor standards and improve worker safety.

For the US, the agreement has helped to create new markets for US textile manufacturers. By providing duty-free and quota-free access to Cambodian textiles, the US has been able to expand its exports to Cambodia and other countries in the region.

Impact on the Textile Industry

The US-Cambodia Bilateral Textile Trade Agreement has had a significant impact on the textile industry in both countries. For Cambodia, the agreement has helped to transform the country`s textile industry into a major economic driver. Today, Cambodia is one of the world`s largest exporters of textiles and apparel.

For the US, the agreement has helped to diversify the country`s textile imports. Prior to the agreement, the vast majority of US textile imports came from China. Today, Cambodia is one of the top sources of US textile imports.


The US-Cambodia Bilateral Textile Trade Agreement is an important trade agreement that has brought many benefits to both countries. By providing duty-free and quota-free access to Cambodian textile products, the US has helped to create jobs and stimulate economic growth in Cambodia, while also diversifying its own textile imports. Looking ahead, it is likely that the US and Cambodia will continue to work together to further strengthen their economic ties and promote trade between the two countries.

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